Attosecond Quantum Physics
@King's College London

Research Interest
Our research focus:
Ultrafast laser sciences: Production and characterisation of complex femtosecond laser fields with time dependent polarisation, multi-colour field synthesis, OAM and optical vorteces.
Attosecond sources and applications to metrology.
Attosecond structure lights and chirality.
Tracking ultra-fast dynamical process in atoms and molecules using attosecond pump-probe techniques.
HHG spectroscopy.
Elucidating ultrafast carrier dynamics in quantum materials and metamaterials.
Attosecond quantum information processing.
Attosecond Quantum Physics @ King's College London
We are specialised experimentally and theoretically observing and controlling photo-induced phenomena on the attosecond (1 asec=10^-18 sec) time scale. Our research is scrutinising matter under strong laser fields and focus on understanding the first instant of carrier dynamics.
We develop from cutting edge high repetition rate fsec lasers, attosecond sources and technologies to ultrafast time-resolved mesurements. We study matter from simple sole system ( atom a molecule) to more complex condensed phase (solid, metamaterial, lattice).